CanadaFashionLaw Talks Shop

Last week was a pretty big week for CanadaFashionLaw.  The week started with a publication in the University of Toronto Alumni magazine authored by yours truly that looks at the wider ramifications of the fashion industry.  Next up, CanadaFashionLaw participated in a heated debate at the Royal Ontario Museum with fashion heavy hitters including Jeanne Beker, which garnerd significant media coverage.  Finally, the week ended with a trip to Chicago for a fashion law symposium at the John Marshall Law School, where CanadaFashionLaw participated in a comparative panel that looked at protecting fashion designs in Canada, America and Mexico.

All in all, it was a fantastic fashion law week!

CanadaFashionLaw Speaks Up

CanadaFashionLaw has some interesting speaking engagements coming up in the Spring across North America.  If you happen to be in Toronto, Chicago or Dallas (yee-haw), feel free to drop by any of the upcoming events to talk shop:

1.  Fashion Crimes at the Royal Ontario Museum (Toronto)

CanadaFashionLaw will be joining fashion gurus, Jeanne Beker, Jeremy Laing, Robert Ott and Nicholas Mellamphy at the Royal Ontario Museum to discuss hot topics in the fashion industry on April 10, 2013.
If you’re interested in joining in on the discussion, you can find more information here.

2.  John Marshall Law School Fashion and Design Law Symposium (Chicago)

CanadaFashionLaw has been helping some very eager law students across the border set up their first fashion law symposium.  It’s great to be around such positive and enthusiastic people.  If you’re in the mid-west, feel free to join us on April 12.  You find more about this event by clicking here.

3.  Fashion Law Roundtable at the International Trademarks Association’s AGM (Dallas)

CanadaFashionLaw will be hosting a roundtable discussion on how intellectual property laws can be used to protect fashion designs on May 8, 2013.  Although this roundtable has sold out (on the first day!), CanadaFashionLaw would love to meet up with anyone else attending the INTA AGM.

It looks like it’s going to be a busy couple of months.  What to wear, what to wear?!